Brad Wardell's site for talking about the customization of Windows.

The Galactic Civilizations games are known for their ship design features.


But ship design occurs before the ship is made.  What about after?  Galactic Civilizations IV will be introducing a new feature for upcoming Beta version (this Winter) called “The Vault”.

The Vault is a set of special items the player either produces or, more commonly scavenges across the galaxy.  Destroying the monster ships, pirates, enemy fleets, etc. will result in scavenging things from credits to unique parts to special items.  The special items found (or made) go into the vault.

Items in the vault can then be put on ships.  These items are a one-time use once added to a ship, it remains there and if that ship is destroyed, it’s gone (or worse, becomes scavenged by an enemy).


The number of items you can put onto a ship is based on its level.  When ships level up, rather than having to manually mess with them, they will simply automatically get more HP.  But each level will allow you to add more items to the ship.

There will also be techs and planetary improvements that will allow ships to automatically start out at a higher level.


So rather than having to go through and add stuff to every single ship that levels up, as you currently do in the alpha, you will be able to pick and choose which ships you want to use precious items on to beef them up.

Here’s a sample of some of the items we have in store.  Feel free to suggest your own and if we use them, we’ll add you to the credits if you’d like!





Quantum Targeting Computer


Allows ship to attack targets +1 tiles away

Quantum Computing

Organic Nanite Slurry


Completely heals a ship after every battle

Construction drones

Precursor Accelerator


+1 to moves


Precursor Blade of Armor


+1 to all defenses


Precursor Torpedo


+2 to missiles


Precursor Teleporter


Ship can teleport to target destination

Precursor Relic Proficiency

Auto Factory


Ship requires no logistics

Improved Life Support

Precursor Survey Module


Ship can survey


Hyperdrive Disruptor


Enemy ships in its range move at 1 move

Warp Drive

Last Breath


When destroyed, enemy ship takes 100 damage

Artifact Mastery

Beam Nullifier


90% of enemy beam weapon power is removed.

Defensive Studies

Scavenging Computer


25% to 50% more likely to scavenge items after battle


Weakpoint Computer


10% to 40% chance of a volley doing 3X damage.

Weak AI

Second Chance


Upon destruction, ship is returned to home world

Precursor Relic Mastery

Stay tuned!


The Galactic Civilizations games are known for their ship design features.


But ship design occurs before the ship is made.  What about after?  Galactic Civilizations IV will be introducing a new feature for upcoming Beta version (this Winter) called “The Vault”.

The Vault is a set of special items the player either produces or, more commonly scavenges across the galaxy.  Destroying the monster ships, pirates, enemy fleets, etc. will result in scavenging things from credits to unique parts to special items.  The special items found (or made) go into the vault.

Items in the vault can then be put on ships.  These items are a one-time use once added to a ship, it remains there and if that ship is destroyed, it’s gone (or worse, becomes scavenged by an enemy).


The number of items you can put onto a ship is based on its level.  When ships level up, rather than having to manually mess with them, they will simply automatically get more HP.  But each level will allow you to add more items to the ship.

There will also be techs and planetary improvements that will allow ships to automatically start out at a higher level.


So rather than having to go through and add stuff to every single ship that levels up, as you currently do in the alpha, you will be able to pick and choose which ships you want to use precious items on to beef them up.

Here’s a sample of some of the items we have in store.  Feel free to suggest your own and if we use them, we’ll add you to the credits if you’d like!





Quantum Targeting Computer


Allows ship to attack targets +1 tiles away

Quantum Computing

Organic Nanite Slurry


Completely heals a ship after every battle

Construction drones

Precursor Accelerator


+1 to moves


Precursor Blade of Armor


+1 to all defenses


Precursor Torpedo


+2 to missiles


Precursor Teleporter


Ship can teleport to target destination

Precursor Relic Proficiency

Auto Factory


Ship requires no logistics

Improved Life Support

Precursor Survey Module


Ship can survey


Hyperdrive Disruptor


Enemy ships in its range move at 1 move

Warp Drive

Last Breath


When destroyed, enemy ship takes 100 damage

Artifact Mastery

Beam Nullifier


90% of enemy beam weapon power is removed.

Defensive Studies

Scavenging Computer


25% to 50% more likely to scavenge items after battle


Weakpoint Computer


10% to 40% chance of a volley doing 3X damage.

Weak AI

Second Chance


Upon destruction, ship is returned to home world

Precursor Relic Mastery

Stay tuned!


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on Dec 20, 2021

Will we be able to hold more than one of each of these upgrades in the Vault or will the player continue to lose out when receiving events/anomalies that offer a duplicate item of one we have already that hasn't yet been assigned to a ship.

on Dec 20, 2021

Will ship retrofitting be returning or is this intended to replace retrofitting?

on Dec 20, 2021

I use a lot of tiny hulls in my military. I find that when they level up, that there are a lot of ships needing upgrades. Too many at times. The fleet limit is 64. I know this because I sometimes get that many ships in a fleet. So I'm asking for there to be a way to do ship level up bonuses without having to do it in a tedious manner.

on Dec 20, 2021


Will we be able to hold more than one of each of these upgrades in the Vault or will the player continue to lose out when receiving events/anomalies that offer a duplicate item of one we have already that hasn't yet been assigned to a ship.

What he said. I'd like to be able to store multiple items of each type.

on Dec 20, 2021


I use a lot of tiny hulls in my military. I find that when they level up, that there are a lot of ships needing upgrades. Too many at times. The fleet limit is 64. I know this because I sometimes get that many ships in a fleet. So I'm asking for there to be a way to do ship level up bonuses without having to do it in a tedious manner.

They'll just upgrade automatically via HP now instead of having to manuually choose upgrades.

Then, seperately, you can pick certain "chosen" ships to get boosts.

So basically rather than having lots of minor little upgrades there's going to be fewer but more meaningful upgrades that you can assign specifically.

on Dec 21, 2021

I think this will work better overall.  More meaningful upgrades to a couple of important capital ships will be a lot less tedious.


on Dec 22, 2021

This is great my explorer ships drive me nuts with all the clicking I have to do on them... Combat ships I do not mind... Also does this vault display all ship upgrades? Like the ones we currently get. It is a pita to have to find a ship that has an upgrade to see what options you have in the ship level up pool. Lastly do they stack now? Like the Drone you find from the trader. You can find 3-5 before you have a ship level up to use it. Yet only one is ever in the upgrade pool. You would think if you bought 4 drones for 300 credits each, there would be 4 in the upgrade pool.

on Dec 22, 2021

Module suggestions: 

Precursor accelerator - common - Increases kinetic weapon fire rate.

Precursor Energy Regulator - uncommon - Beam weapons on this ship deal a percentage of its damage directly to the hull. 

on Dec 22, 2021

Yes currently all the + rate of fire modules and + damage modules from GC3 are not in as techs in GC4. Please add these. I have found a few like 1-2 to in 4 months via events... But that is just not an option for a game with 1000s of ships.

on Dec 22, 2021

I'm gonna float a few idea based on what I can work with given the parameters of the Galciv3 combat system. This is probably mostly op stuff. When I say mythic, what I mean is more like "legendary, but I feel like it should be rarer or at least not available from the tech tree, you have to find it somewhere"

I tried to make them galciv lore appropriate when possible, but a few could probably use better names.

Structural Analyzer, Legendary, Beam weapons do 50% more damage when not blocked by shields

Dread Lord Damper Field, Mythic, All damage to ship reduced by 25%

Posieden GravityWarp Torpedo, Mythic, Missile weapon, Very high damage, greatly reduced rate of fire, reduced accuracy vs smaller ships, fully bypasses point defenses

Ancient Energized Armor Plating, Rare, Counts as armor and shields but gets reduced by both kinetic and beam weapons

Hornet AntiFighter AutoCannon, Rare/Legendary, Kinetic Weapon get increased rate of fire vs small and tiney hulls. Or make it a support module.

Longbow Ancient Railgun, Legendary/Mythic, Very long range kinetic weapon, higher accuracy, greatly reduced rate of fire

Arnorean Phalanx Defense Field, Legendary/Mythic, All damage(from all sources) reduced by 2 while shields are still up

Ion Cannon, Rare, Beam Weapon, does double damage to shields but reduced damage to HP

Arnorean Emergency Quantric Shielding, Mythic, When the an attack would reduce this ships hp to zero, reduce it to 1 instead and the ship is immune to damage for the next 3 attacks. Only triggers once per battle. Or make it the next 5/6 attacks but it only activates if the ship still has shield

Arnorean Precognition Matrix, Mythic ,Support Module, Long range attacks on this ship have reduced accuracy

on Dec 23, 2021

Did this make it into the 0.70 build? I am looking for it but not finding it.

on Dec 24, 2021

I like this.The survey part in the series was always a bit dull.credits,10% at a certain tech,etc.

on Dec 24, 2021


Did this make it into the 0.70 build? I am looking for it but not finding it.

No, it's still a good month away.

on Feb 12, 2022

Module Suggestions: 

Geller Field: Uncommon, reduce damage from Space Monsters by 40% 

Convoy Defense Orb (CDO): Uncommon, grants defensive bonus to fleet when on a friendly trade rout

Spy Drone: uncommon, when equipped ship is in another races borders, gain espionage against that race.

Quantum End Relay Module (QERM): Uncommon, Equipped ship yields a small amount of research to your home world. The further away from this planet you travel the research received also increases  

Really liking the new mechanic. I would like modules that make fleets more interesting during times of peace    , especially ones that go beyond parking a ship on a planet for a bonus  it’s great finding interesting things to do for ships all over a such a large map.  


on Mar 03, 2022

Anti-grav Carousel- gives tourism bonus when in friendly boarders.  

Saw the thread on tourism and want a ship module specific to it.