Brad Wardell's site for talking about the customization of Windows.

Without clicking on the thumbnail, what differences do you notice between the two? Not in terms of what units appear on what. But in terms of general visuals.  One of the things we’ve done with Legendary Heroes is revisit the underlying lighting and shadowing engine in Kumquat.

Earlier this year, we got a visit from Intel who brought forth many new tools that we’ve used to have our cake and eat it too – Legendary Heroes has a faster graphics engine than Fallen Enchantress does. We’ve backported as much as we could of this into what will become FE v1.3 but much of it is unique to Legendary Heroes.

These screenshots show how important lighting is not just in terms of making things "pretty" but in terms of controlling what game elements you want to have stand out.


LH-main map-5

Comments (Page 3)
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on Feb 07, 2013

The mountains look terrific and even  better in close up.

The dragon stands out.  I expect uncovering that from the fog will be startling.

The road seems more visible and the city parts more delineated.

The trees look more like a forest.  I am still slightly fonder of the older look, but it's close.  On close up, I would much prefer it if the individual trees lost the outlining.

The green ground seems brighter and more like hope in a dark desolate world.


on Feb 07, 2013

Looks Great!

Nice to see the terrain evolving because it was pretty blah....

Next stop rolling hills (as opposed to one giant multi tile hill) and bridges plz

on Feb 09, 2013

Quoting Lord Xia, reply 22This game needs more robots.

And steam tanks... can never go wrong with some steam-punk.
(Or "Steam-Punkers"... )

~ Kongdej

Yes! I knew there was something significant lacking FE! Steam cannon! We need dwarven steam cannon!

(He is quietly led off by the attendants. "Come now, Piglet, it's time for your medication..." "But doctor, STEAM CANNON.")

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