Brad Wardell's site for talking about the customization of Windows.

Ultimate_LogoThe Milky Way Galaxy of the 23rd century is a brutal place.

The malevolent Drengin Empire and their allies, the Yor reign supreme.  Earth and its allies have been defeated and in most cases, occupied by Drengin shock troops.  Earth itself remains free, protected behind an energy shield put in place by DL Bradley, commander of the Terran fleet just before they vanished.  Though protected, it is surrounded by an armada of Drengin ships.

The ancient Precursors are gone forever. There will be no help from the benevolent Arnor.

And this, my friends, is where things were left off at the end of the best-selling, critically acclaimed PC Strategy game, Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition.  But it isn’t the end. That’s all I can say on that for awhile.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Dec 06, 2012

Endless Space has champions in space, but because of the nature of the game, you feel quite detached from them. I hope the concept will be further expanded, in Endless Space I mean, because they are a big part of the game as they are now, but could be so much more.

on Jan 07, 2013

Looking forward to the next Gal Civ.


on Jan 09, 2013

I can't wait. Please not turn base....

Endless Space does look beautiful .. the game is horrible

on Jan 09, 2013

I can't wait. Please not turn base....

It's like going to the car dealer and saying 'Okay I'll buy this but first you have to get rid of those wheels.'

Um... yeah.  Have fun driving that home.


on Jan 09, 2013

It will be turn based.

Why should it be any different?

on Mar 22, 2013

I hope GalCiv III does not fall pray to real-time based mania. The vast overwhelming majority of GalCiv players are into it  because its turn based - one of the few superb gaming titles that is.

Nothing wrong in giving an RTS Option to play, all for that, but don't forget GalCiv Roots ..... Single Player Game against an AI. There are Legions of Gamers out there who ache for a quality single player TBS GalCiv III, but one that has not fallen prey to the ease of programming and The On Line Commercial Cash Cow, that typifies most RTS (and variants).

With Stardock's current suite of Games, it will be  while yet for sure ..... but .... when you get round to it a couple of years or so time .... single player TBS .....  Pretty Please

on Mar 27, 2013

If it ain't turn-based, it ain't Gal Civ...

on Apr 27, 2013

One thing I would like to see in gal civ 3 is having different races prefer different planets. Maybe could you make the planet class race specific, so for the torians would a hot ocean world be a heaven with an extremely high planet class, but for the Yor would those be corrosive nightmares with a very low planet class.

This could give more flavor and personality to the different races.


on Apr 27, 2013


Galactic Civilizations is near and dear to my heart.

I haven't been able to return to it as soon as I'd like because Stardock got so big after its release that I got spread between a bunch of projects.

Now that Impulse is sold off, I have more time to spend on the games unit again.

Being the last hint of an update on this possibility in Galactic Civilizations 3 was last July, it would be nice for a thread of news coming out on this even if it's just to say maybe we'll be looking at this in 2015 or something. 

That would give me something to look forward to, being that EA/Maxis is out of tune with the customer base with the new SimCity (wow that is a mess, don't get me started) That pushed me back to this wonderful game and company, one that knows how to create games right and maintain some communication with their fan base.  Please give me something to look forward to

on May 02, 2013

I think an RTS/TBS switch would work possibly.

Please no squares and sectors though....

Possibly add some more customization features, like buila-a-part ingame out of existing models ect...

on May 06, 2013

I cant imagine that Stardock would want to mess Gal Civs up by making the 3rd one real time. That would be a colossal blunder. Gal Civs is so awesome BECAUSE it is turn based. There are plenty of other real time space games out there if thats your thing.

I personally hope they just make Gal Civs 3 a bigger & badder version of 2, but keep the mechanics the same. It should be turn based, & I for one hope they again focus on single player.

on Jul 14, 2013

galactic civilization 3?????  do u have any news of that???

on Jul 14, 2013

is the twite of the arnor the most recent version????


on Aug 02, 2013


is the twite of the arnor the most recent version????

Yes, Twilight of the Arnor is the most recent version, and no we haven't had any galciv3 news since. Still waiting for it though.

on Aug 27, 2013

Cant wait to hear more about Gal-Civ 3


I have a few ideas id like to throw out

first of all some form of map wrap that could be turned on or off at the map options screen. funny I'm not really sure if i like this idea or not. Corners and edges give distinct tactical advantages and disadvantages, so nullifying this with a map wrap would change the flavor of the game.

Second, Permanent wormholes.

Third I found star bases really annoying to upgrade especially towards late game and had a few ideas.

1 AOE based on upgrade. I find it hard to believe that a single constructor can instantly build a station capable of controlling an entire sector of space so i think start the AOE small and have it increase as you level up the key aspect of the star base.

2 automatic upgrades. once built a star base should be able to be partially self sustaining. What i suggest would be to require a constructor for the first upgrade in a series (star base fortification I) after that allow the next upgrades (Star base fortification II, III, IV, V) to happen in X turns. Based on resources in or near the star bases AOE (constructors could still be used to upgrade it instantly)

3 military bases should have some form of crowd control other then having a fleet nearby. it is essentially a military checkpoint / fort, but it cant keep a single constructor or scout ship from a race you're at war with out of your space? what i suggest is a check of logistics vs installed components (or some other Check) and if it doesn't meet the requirements it would need to leave the AOE the same way it came in (any ship with weapons could still try and destroy the star base)

I had several more but these were ones I thought id throw out

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