Finally upgraded our network here at Stardock. w00t!
Oh my. Can you run one of those wires down here.
Nice, what did you get? Gigaman?
Wow, a Porshe in the house and a Porshe in your network. The fastest and furious staring Brad.
Nice. That should handle a bit of traffic.
Nine deal if you can get it - <G>
Holy shit....
Why is the speed of light so slow in fiberwires you may ask...
All i know is that for MBs (server) to replace Kbs (workstation), distance & infrastructures must be in place.
I phoned in college results (in 1974!) on some tricky 300 bauds, i wished i had TBs transfer rates though.
Nothing like tackling multiple problems headon with solution, once or later.
Oooops, i shall revise my evaluation;
6.15Mbs, 0.68Mbs, 15ms ping!
ISP or Laval, Québec?
YAY! Now you can torrent all the games you want!
ROTFL! So it's Brad who's pirating Demigod afterall!
H O L Y S H I T!!!
Please sir, may i have some more?
Excellent links - them zero's keep being added .....
A decade ago it probably would have read along the lines of 119.93Kb/s and 32.70Kb/s
In another decade its probably going to read 119.93Pb/s and 32.70Pb/s
I've a feeling we are gonna miss out the Tb/s stage rofl
Wonderful and terrifying at the same time when you think on it.
That's only ten times faster then my own connection
I am not impressed.
It's fully 100x my connection.